Tag.in Project

A crowd-sourced effort to objectively highlight notable segments of audio content on Phish.in


This site provides access to live legal Phish audio recordings. Its goal is to maintain a highly available and comprehensive archive of live performances curated by the community through cooperative effort. Content is discoverable based on available metadata such as performance date, song title, venue name, etc. Additinally, a set of curated Tags has been applied; see the Tags page.

These have largely been imported from Phish.net projects such as Jam Charts and Teases. Many of these tags need verification and further expansion. Here is the full list:

  • A Cappella
  • Alt Lyric
  • Alt Rig
  • Alt Version
  • Audience
  • Banter
  • Famous
  • Guest
  • Narration
  • Signal
  • Tease
  • Unfinished

See the Master Tag.in Spreadsheet for the current state of the project.


To contribute, please join the Phish.in Discord at https://discord.gg/KZWFsNN and check out the #tagging channel. Write access to the Master Tag.in Spreadsheet will be provided to those expressing a genuine interest in the project.

Instructions for Contributors

Note: If you notice any issues with content during your listening (track labeling, audio quality, etc) please enter it in the CONTENT ISSUES tab on the spreadsheet.

  1. Open the Master Tag.in Spreadsheet
  2. Familiarize yourself with each Tag by clicking the workbook tabs at the bottom of the screen (also see specific Tag Conventions below)
  3. Listen to audio content at https://phish.in
  4. When you notice a taggable moment that has not yet been captured or an incorrect Tag, pause the playback (spacebar or button in upper-right). Note you can also scrub forward and backward in 5 second increments by presshing Shift-LeftArrow and Shift-RightArrow.
  5. Roll the mouse cursor over the track in question and click on the context menu (down arrow) that appears
  6. Click "Share" in the dropdown menu (URL will be copied to clipboard)
  7. Return to the spreadsheet and select the appropriate workbook for the Tag you want to add
  8. Select "Edit > Find and replace..." and search for existing URL to ensure it has not already been tagged
  9. If it has already been tagged, verify the metadata, make any corrections, and add +1 to Verified column
  10. If it has not been tagged, paste the URL into the URL column
  11. If the tag applies only to a section of the track, add start/stop timestamps. If it starts at the beginning of the track, the start time can be omitted; same for stop timestamp. Certain Tags will lend themselves more to timestamps than others ("Tease", for example, should generally have start timestamps).
  12. Add text to Notes field, adhering to established conventions within each Tag (see below).
  13. If the Tag happens to be Banter or Narration, then spoken words should be transcribed and pasted into the Transcript column, ensuring that linebreaks are preserved (Shift-Enter or Option-Enter).

Tag Conventions

Each Tag entry in the spreadsheet consists of a URL (pointing to the track the Tag is associated with) and optionally has Starts At, Ends At, and Notes fields. If a Tag applies to the entire track, then Starts At and Ends At should be ommitted. If the tag refers to the first half of the track, omit the Strats At value but enter the Ends At value; same for the second half accordingly. The Notes field should contain details about that Tag instance.

Narration and Banter tags also include a Transcript field which contain a full transcript of all spoken words.

Below we outline conventions for each Tag; these are subject to change as the project develops.

A Cappella

  • Includes typical a cappella song performances (Sweet Adeline, The Birdwatcher, Star Spangled Banner, etc)
  • Does NOT include smaller sections like "steam dream" in SOAMelt
  • Question: should pure vocal jams at end of YEM be included?

Alt Lyric

  • Early versions of songs with different versions (Cavern, Runaway Jim)
  • Makisupa keywords
  • Antelope "Marco Esquondolas" / "gear shift" variations
  • Grind days lived
  • Suzy "neurologist" variations
  • Question: should this include flubs / swapped verses?

Alt Rig

  • Anytime a band member plays a rig not considered their primary (Keyboard Army, for example)
  • Marimba Lumina (usually Fish or Trey)
  • Trey's mini percussion/synth rig
  • Kasvot Vaxt set due to custom gear, most notably Page's white synth rig
  • Frankenstein - Page on keytar
  • Fish vaccuum solo
  • Does NOT include Mike's bell or drill, as those are part of his standard rig

Alt Version

  • Slow Llama, Funky Lawn Boy, etc.


  • Anytime a band member says something to the crowd or another band member that does not fit into Narration tag (see below)
  • Starts At/Ends At should be provided
  • Notes section should contain brief summary of what was talked about (example: "Trey pokes fun at Fish")
  • Can include crowd interaction, if significant ("woo"), but does not include exclamations from the crowd that happen to be caught by AUD mic
  • Any time Secret Language Instructions are provided by Trey
  • All spoken words should be transcribed and pasted into Transcript field (example: "TREY: Fish, have you had your ass handed to you today?")


  • Any time there is significant collective crowd response such as "woo", "polo", etc.
  • Does NOT include random individuals caught on audience mics
  • DOES NOT include Secret Language Signal responses; those should be tagged as Signal (see below)


  • Well-known (named) performances of songs like Prague Ghost, Tahoe Tweezer, etc.


  • Any time another artist/group joins the band on stage
  • Past guests have been imported from the Phish.net Guest Chart


  • Any spoken word related to storytelling
  • Past narration has been imported from Phish.net Narration Chart
  • Most notably Gamehendge narration, but also Harpua, etc
  • Notes section should contain brief summary of interaction
  • All spoken words should be transcribed and pasted into Transcript field


  • Any time one of the band members invokes a Secret Language signal
  • Past signals have been imported from Phish.net setlist notes but some are combined
  • Combined signal tags should be split into indivdiual ones, even if they occur multiple times
  • Starts At timestamps should be applied to each Signal instance


  • The band members frequently reference other musical works during improvisation
  • Past teases have been imported from the Phish.net Tease Chart and setlist API
  • Teases that were not matched are listed in the "UNMATCHED TEASES" worksheet - these will require manual work to identify
  • Existing timestamps may not be accurate on Phish.in sources so they need verification/correction
  • Some tracks may have many Tease instances; each should be input separately on their own line in the spreadsheet
  • Put the name(s) of the teased work and the artist (if not Phish) in the Notes field (EX: "Norwegian Wood by The Beatles" or "Bathtub Gin")
  • Enter a Starts At timestamp
  • If you notice a Tease that does not appear on Phish.net, please submit a correction.